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<div class="boilerplate metadata" id="stub"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: transparent;"><tr><td>[[Image:AdhesiveBandage.png|40px|]]</td><td>''&nbsp;This [[:Category:Medical treatments|medical treatment]] article is a [[Wikipedia:Perfect stub article|stub]]. You can [[Wikipedia:Find or fix a stub|help]] Wikipedia by [{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{NAMESPACE}}:{{PAGENAME}}|action=edit}} expanding it]''.</td></tr></table></div>[[Category:Medical treatment stubs]]
| image    = AdhesiveBandage.png
== MRSA Boil Homeopathic Treatments==
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| subject  = [[:Category:Medical treatments|medical treatment]]-related
‘'’At-home remedies”’ (NOT to be used INSTEAD of Doctor’s care, but rather IN ADDITION TO a Doctor’s care) include:<br />
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| category = Medical treatment stubs
Clorox baths (2 cups per bathful, soak for 20 minutes) twice per week for six weeks when sores are not present, and daily when sores are present(patient may use “Aveeno SKIN RELIEF Moisturizing Lotion” to prevent dry skin)<br />
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| name      = Template:Treatment-stub
Application of 100% Tea Tree Oil 2-3 times per day, directly to the boil, using a sterile cotton ball<br />
Disinfect boils daily<br />
Keep boils covered with sterile bandages and change bandages often<br />
Constant hand-washing (with soap remaining on hands for the length of time which it takes to sing Happy Birthday), be sure to use a paper towel to turn the water off again, otherwise touching the handle gets the germs right back onto the patient’s hands<br />
Wash clothes daily with HOT water and BLEACH when possible<br />
Keep patient’s hands away from the patient’s nose<br />
Not re-using towels prior to washing/bleaching them<br />
Wash/bleach bedsheets/pillowcases twice per week with hot water while sores are not present, and daily when sores are present<br />
Use papertowels (instead of washcloths)to wash face with<br />
Keep housepets, which are known to transmit the infection, outside<br />
Take natural supplements to boost the immune system (Lysine, Vitamin C, Acidophulis, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Six drops daily of Oil of Oregeno, Olive Leaf Capsules, Olive Tree Extract Capsules, Swallow a Fresh Garlic Clove daily)<br />
Get a presciption from the Dr to use inside of the nose, which will kill the colony of bacteria<br />
MRSA lives on surfaces for over 24 hours, so use lots of Lysol, bleach, and/or alcohol at home on surfaces that are touched often<br />
Pay special attention to disinfecting areas germs are more prone to. Germs like moist, warm, places to hide, like under arms, folds of skin, in between toes, along the edges of tight garments like socks and bras and underwear, along the inner thighs, and in the belly button.<br />
Always get a NASAL SWAB upon admittance to, and release from, ANY hospital, to test for MRSA<br />
Avoid eating sugars and white flour, which are both immune DEpressants<br />
Eat lots of whole grain foods & green foods<br />
Eat RAW Honey, and treat wounds with RAW Honey–raw honey is honey which has never been heated, therefore leaving the natural enzymes, antibiotic & antiviral properties intact.<br />
Swallow one teaspoonful of Bee Pollen daily<br />
Wear cotton clothing when possible<br />
DON’T use antibiotic soaps; this will only make the MRSA stronger<br />
Treat all cuts & scrapes with StaphAseptic to prevent MRSA infection <br />

Latest revision as of 08:12, 22 September 2010