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Systematic (IUPAC) name
CAS Number 518-17-2
ATC code none
PubChem CID 151289
Chemical data
Formula C19H17N3O
Molar mass 303.36 g/mol[[Script error: No such module "String".]]
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Evodiamine is a chemical which is extracted from the Evodia spp family of plants which has been shown to reduce fat uptake in mouse studies.[citation needed] Its method is believed to be similar to capsaicin, but retains none of the "hot" taste.[citation needed]


  • Kobayashi, Y. et al. (2001): Capsaicin-like anti-obese activities of evodiamine from fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa, a vanilloid receptor agonist. In: Planta Med. 67(7); 628–33; PMID 11582540
  • Wang, T. et al. (2008): Evodiamine improves diet-induced obesity in an uncoupling protein-1-independent manner: involvement of antiadipogenic mechanism and extracellularly regulated kinase/mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling. In: Endocrinology 149(1); 358–66; PMID 17884939