Template:Convert/horse year

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{{convert/{{{d}}}|{{{1}}}||||s=|r={{{r}}} |u=horse yr |n=horse year |l=horse years |h=horse-year |t=horse year |o=years |b=( 143762400 ) |j=7.499103967-0}}

The converter Template:Convert/horse_year changes a time span, such as 3 horse years, into the equivalent people years. Although horse years could be averaged as roughly 3 people years, the conversion is based on the typical maturation rate of horses: first year as 12 years, 2nd as 7 more years, 3rd-5th as 4 years each, then above 5 as 2.5 years each.


The following show the variation in the horse maturation rate:


  • Converting a horse's age to "people years", Behind the Bit, 2008, webpage: BTB-horses-age.
  • Cited source: S.E. Blackwell. "The Senior Horse - More Than Just Basic Care", in NAVC Proceedings 2007, North American Veterinary Conference (Eds), N. Fort Myers, FL, USA, 2007.