Ibn al-Wafid

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Ali Ibn al-Husain Ibn al-Wafid (997-ca.1074), known in Latin Europe as Abenguefit, was a pharmacologist and physician from Toledo. He was the vizier of Al-Mamun of Toledo. His main work is Kitab al-adwiya al-mufrada (translated into Latin as De medicamentis simplicibus).[1] were printed in Latin more than fifty times, appearing as De Medicinis universalibus et particularibus.

Ibn al-Wafid was mainly a Pharmacist in Toledo, he used the techniques and methods available in Alchemy to extract at least 520 different kinds of medicines from various plants and herbs.

His student Ali Ibn al-Lukuh was the author of Umdat al-Tabib fi ma'arifat al-nabat li kuli labib, a famous botanical dictionary.


  1. Emilia Calvo, "Ibn Wafid", in: The Encyclopaedia of the history of Science, technology, and Medicine in Non Western Cultures, ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1997, p. 438

External links

  • Toledo, on Muslim Heritage.com, page 6 [1] (retrieved November 26 2008)

es:Ibn Wafid