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  • ...nufacturer of building materials. It is designed to provide high levels of sound attenuation between rooms. It was introduced in 2003. ...n as ASTM E90 and ASTM E413 to achieve a single [[Sound transmission class|sound-transmission-class]] (STC) rating. Note that the STC method has changed sig
    5 KB (703 words) - 09:19, 20 September 2010
  • [[Image:MauritiusCommandAudioBookCassette.JPG|thumb|An audio cassette recording]] ...ok''' is a recording that is primarily spoken word. It is often based on a recording of commercial printed material. It is not necessarily an exact audio versio
    17 KB (2,541 words) - 12:16, 20 September 2010
  • ...the president, a longtime hunter), testified he immediately recognized the sound of a high-powered rifle, then he turned his head and torso rightward attemp The Dallas police were recording their radio transmissions over two channels. A frequency designated as Chan
    88 KB (13,591 words) - 20:55, 26 September 2010
  • and method for reducing electronic relaxation noise present information recording medium}}</ref><ref>{{US patent reference|number=5464442|y=1987|m=02|d=17|in ...he left-channel sound in the left ear, even though both ears are receiving sound from both channels.<ref>{{cite web
    7 KB (1,156 words) - 17:34, 9 December 2011
  • ...lly possible to use a mechanical design to filter mechanical vibrations or sound waves (which are also essentially mechanical) directly. For example, filter ...ed to precisely the same frequency, which would only vibrate and produce a sound from transmissions by the operator with the identical tuning.<ref name=Lund
    52 KB (7,784 words) - 13:49, 10 December 2011
  • ...signal is a measured response to changes in physical phenomena, such as [[sound]], [[light]], [[temperature]], position, or [[pressure]], and is achieved u ...r microphone. The voltage or the current is said to be an "analog" of the sound.
    7 KB (902 words) - 13:50, 10 December 2011
  • a CRO allows one to view a signal, in its basic form it has no means of recording that signal on paper for the purpose of documentation. Therefore, special o ...ftware running in [[Microsoft Windows|Windows]] that uses the computer's [[sound card]] as an [[Analog-to-digital converter|ADC]]]]
    39 KB (6,076 words) - 13:52, 10 December 2011