Testicular microlithiasis

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Testicular microlithiasis is an unusual condition found in up to 5% of normal males (up to 14% in African Americans) that arises from microscopic calcium deposits within the testicles. It is an asymptomatic, non-progressive disease. The cause is unknown, but this condition has been associated with testicular cancer in a small group of individuals, cryptorchidism, mumps, infertility and intraepithelial germ cell neoplasia. Microcalcifications are present in roughly 50% of germ cell tumors, but the majority of men with testicular microlithiasis will not develop testicular cancer. This disease is usually detected by an ultrasound when the patient is being checked for something else, such as testicular cancer. In 80% of cases, both testicles are affected.

Testicular microlithiasis is not associated with risk of testicular cancer in the symptomatic. However, studies have shown that in individuals with associated risk factors for testicular cancer, the increase in risk of concurrent diagnosis of testicular cancer upon biopsy is approximately eight-fold. There is no cure or treatment for testicular microlithiasis, however, patients may be monitored via ultrasound to make sure that other conditions do not develop. Emphasis on testicular examination is the recommended follow up for men identified with testicular microlithiasis.

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