Urinary urgency

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Urgency of urination
ICD-9 788.63

Urinary urgency is a sudden, compelling urge to urinate. It is often, though not necessarily, associated with urinary incontinence, polyuria, nocturia, and interstitial cystitis. It tends to increase with age. When uncontrollable, it causes urge incontinence.

Urinary urgency and interstitial cystitis

Urinary urgency often occurs as a result of irritation and/or inflammation of the bladder wall (urothelium). In interstitial cystitis, urinary frequency and urgency are the hallmark symptoms, in addition to nocturia and dyspareunia. In many cases, however, these symptoms are often exacerbated by the consumption of foods and/or beverages that are high in acid and caffeine, particularly coffees, regular teas, green teas, sodas, diet sodas and fruit juices. Cranberry juice, for example, often causes extreme urgency in patients with a damaged bladder lining due to its high acid content.


See also

External links


  • Katharine K. O’Dell & Sarah McGee. "Acupuncture for Urinary Urgency In Women Over 50: What Is the Evidence?". UROLOGIC NURSING - February 2006 - Volume 26 Number 1.
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