Category:Poisonous plants

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Revision as of 12:28, 7 July 2010 by Jontas (Talk | contribs) (1 revision)

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The category Poisonous plants includes plants that have parts or toxins that can be fatal or extreme irritants to humans. In some cases, these toxins can be detoxified by methods such as cooking and made edible. Some plants, such as the legume Lathyrus sativus, are grown as crops for consumption by humans and livestock, but also produce toxins that can cause paralysis.

See also Category: Plant toxins ar:تصنيف:نباتات سامة cs:Kategorie:Jedovaté rostliny es:Categoría:Plantas venenosas eo:Kategorio:Venenaj plantoj fr:Catégorie:Plante toxique gl:Categoría:Plantas tóxicas ko:분류:유독식물 hsb:Kategorija:Jědojta rostlina io:Kategorio:Venenoza planti id:Kategori:Tumbuhan beracun it:Categoria:Piante velenose he:קטגוריה:צמחים רעילים la:Categoria:Plantae toxicariae lb:Kategorie:Gëftplanzen lt:Kategorija:Nuodingieji augalai mk:Категорија:Отровни растенија ms:Kategori:Pokok beracun ja:Category:有毒植物 nn:Kategori:Giftige plantar oc:Categoria:Planta toxica pt:Categoria:Plantas tóxicas ro:Categorie:Plante toxice ru:Категория:Ядовитые растения sk:Kategória:Jedovaté rastliny sl:Kategorija:Strupene rastline sr:Категорија:Отровне биљке fi:Luokka:Myrkylliset kasvit tr:Kategori:Zehirli bitkiler vi:Thể loại:Cây độc wa:Categoreye:Epweznantès plantes zh:Category:有毒植物

Pages in category "Poisonous plants"

The following 145 pages are in this category, out of 145 total.

Media in category "Poisonous plants"

This category contains only the following file.